Not escaping responsibility posted bySalih (Chennai)[04 December 2010] IP: 122.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 1404
Brothers Mahmood/VSM Ali, I do not want to turn this into a debate. I know you are expressing your concern out of your fear for the safety of people - especially children. I understand and I appreciate that.
Kindly note I never said 'நகராட்சியின் வேலை, எங்களால் ஒன்றும் செய்ய முடியாது'. I only wrote Since it is a Municipality property, organisations themselves cannot do it. It has to be the Muncipality that has to remove it.
Firstly, please remember the light mast is a massive structure. It is extremely tall and made of heavy metal. It held several hefty lights at the top. If you picture this, you will realise how bulky it would be. It is hundreds of kilograms in weight.
Secondly, the picture you saw in the news was taken by members of the Beach Association just after Eid. Before Eid, some members had a look at it and considered the option of moving it to a safe place. They realised it would need dozens of people and since there were several sharp edges (for climbing the pole), it was decided it would be unsafe also to carry it manually.
Thirdly, since it is a huge metal, potentially worth thousands of rupees in scrap, the association itself cannot move it to any other safe place - hidden from public. A new issue - that of pilferage of the metal pole - would crop up. Beach Association, getting just started, doesn't have the personnel yet to monitor that.
Fourthly, Municipality has its own rules and regulations. They take time to decide on such matters - since it involves money for people clearing it etc.
I do agree Beach Association has to be swift on these matters. Had any accident happened - it would have been very bad. However, please note, as an association, everything cannot be approached in an aggressive manner. Sometimes, we have to work in a co-operative manner with some authorities to achieve broader goals (That is why news itself was released - to push the Municipality to act speedily). We hope Municipality would act swiftly on such matters in future. It involves safety and life of people. We also hope members of Beach Association are more prompt in following up with the authorities.
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