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கருத்துக்களை தேட வாசகர் பெயரை வழங்கவும்
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அனைத்து கருத்துக்களையும் காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்
செய்தி: 2ஆவது பைப்லைன் திட்டம் குறித்து விவாதிக்க காயல்பட்டினம் நகர்மன்றத்தில் அவசர கூட்டம்! காரசாரமான வாக்குவாதங்களுக்கிடையில் தீர்மானம் நிறைவேற்றம்!! வீடியோ காட்சிகள்!!! செய்தியை முழுமையாக காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்>>
Uncivilized and unfit
posted by Abdul Wahid S. (Kayalpatnam.) [20 December 2012]
IP: 123.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 24648

From the day one, an unregistered organization which failed miserably in the municipal election along with one of its financiers sowed the seeds of enmity by supporting a person to win the vice chairman election. This organization never ever invited the chairman to their office on the contrary it has invited the vice-chairman to honor him.

Ever since this organization broke its nose, it did not show any sign of existence. For the last one year it went underground and minimized its activities. It used a young men organization as their foot soldiers to hold meetings of lesser important. Now it started surfacing by showing its head. The recent meeting between its leaders and the councilors is an evident to it.

"The enemy's enemy is my friend" is an old Arab saying which is at work now. These councilors were invited and entertained at a regular interval by this organization. These councilors started thinking that the whole Kayalpatnam is behind them. Probably this is one of the reasons for their behaviour The parallel municipal started functioning right after vice-charmain election.

Sooner or later these councilors, this infamous and unpopular organization which supports them and their financiers will face the wrath of the people. It is better they (all) mend their way(s) before it is too late.

As far as the Day (14-12-2012) is concern, what went on that day at the municipal meeting was a complete Chaos. The behavior against the chairman and the media can not be tolerated anymore. Majority of People our people are showing indifference because of the lack of information about the incident(s).

I am willing to distribute this video clips to the general public in the form of DVD. If anybody feel that it is right thing to do and should be done at any cost, kindly contact me through this website administrator(s)

The little lady who pointing her finger at the Chairman is good at executing the order given to her by her hierarchy. I have witnessed many municipal meetings and she never spoke for her ward people. It seems to me that she was ordered to abuse the chairman all the time in order to irritate.

Those who failed to protect the dignity of that woman are uncivilized and unfit to continue their office. Shame on those who fall silent on that day at that time.


Flash News. (An from an authentic source)

(More or less) 14 of our councilors went to Chennai to lodge a complaint with CMA against our chairman. But their tight schedule did not allow them to join our brothers in Chennai to participate in the protest on last 10-12-2012 against DCW. It shows how good they are and how sincere they work for our people.

"Leopards can not change their spots".

Moderator: Comment edited!

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்]

[comment status: Approved]
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