செய்தி: நாடாளுமன்றத் தேர்தல் 2014: ஆம் ஆத்மி வேட்பாளர் ம.புஷ்பராயனுக்கு ஆதரவு கோரி, கூடங்குளம் அணு மின் நிலையத்திற்கெதிராக போராடி வரும் சுப.உதயகுமார் காயல்பட்டினத்தில் வாக்கு சேகரிக்க வருகிறார்! செய்தியை முழுமையாக காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்>>
Re:... posted byRilwan (TX)[20 April 2014] IP: 108.*.*.* United States | Comment Reference Number: 34497
People who don't know SP Udayakumar tend to assume Udayakumar just as who they usually find in a typical politician of the crony political parties in Tamil Nadu. Dr. SP Udayakumar, rather, rightfully a doctorate in Political Science from University of Hawaii - unlike fake doctorate assumed by DMK CEO Mu Ka. Udayakumar was a professor at Monmoth University and was visiting lecturer at many universities such as University of Minnisota.
He left all his high flying profession to work for the ordinary people - a noble thing - that many like me would think million times before even think of doing.
If he wanted position and power, he could have easily found big positions in Congress party or BJP - if at all he was ready to compromise his political principles. These parties would have accepted him as an agent of a vote bank. But, Uthayakumar cannot be bought- unlike those crony politicians.
He is not a professional politician. He has no aim in this corrupt politics. He leads a very simple life and he has thrown his life in front to fight for the ordinary people.
The "Brown Sahebs" of New Delhi tried everything to finish him off. They even tried to get him killed by branding him as a terrorist. Despite all sorts of intimidations and threats he refuse to compromise his position.
His political will and his integrity makes people like me to salute him!!! This side is clean side.
This is Uthayakumar - http://books.google.com/books?id=XjkEERJrRdwC
Now tell me about Karunanithi. I accuse Karunanithi of political fraud. I accuse Karunanithi as a ground-up corrupt. Can any DMK cadre refute these?
I ask DMK cadres, doesn't anything strike your spines?
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