Tsunami Housing project and boycot election posted byMeera Sahib (Kayalpatnam)[01 April 2011] IP: 117.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 3702
Assalamu alaikkum
Part 4 of the issue clearly discloses the double stand of the Peravai. Peravai's consistency and reliability in any issues of our community is doubtful.
Dear President and other geniune social workers, please don't allow these politicians misguide you. Those new faces have joined hands with you to get clean approval from the Peravai for their contestent and their party. Please identify the black sheeps and avoid them.
Our aim is to keep the issue to both the main contestants for their disposal. If we go in favour of one contestant, and the results takes a turn what will be our position?
So, Please instead of blaming Kayalpatnam.com, do something concrete for the betterment of our people. I hope The Peravai understands my view in a positive manner.
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