Development needed posted byAhamed mustafa (India)[09 October 2010] IP: 59.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 461
Development of infrastructure, utilities, facilities, Health care, et al is a part of the GDP of any economy.
Imagine the world if there are no developments,projects, etc. We will still live as where & what we are and we would not have been what we have reached now.
These sort of activities are vital in any economy to keep the ball rolling & to meet every bodys ends for a living.
Growth,constitutes projects, activities & facilities improvement which in turn creates several ways for living in the society.
What if the world would see if there were no developments or projects. Will we be able to explore & make money. How the economy & the GDP moves? if the world is silent. Money if kept intact will shatter economies which we have seen in the recent downturn.
To summarize let the projects be constructive & useful instead of creating havoc & negativity. So lets all think in the larger perspective of growth vis a vis funds flow.
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