Non-issue posted byAdministrator (Chennai)[21 May 2011] IP: 122.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 4619
Bro.Hasan, regarding the usage of the word Godfather and your protest, I find it odd and
unnecessary. A word in any language may have multiple meanings. I believe
you are confusing the christian concept of God the Father with Godfather. They are
I am not going to lecture you on etymology of words, but language
is such a thing - that you have to understand from the context it is used.
Father could mean your male parent, but christians also use it to refer to
their priests. Are we going to ban the use of the word father - because there is
a christian usage for it? The word Lord is used for God, but it is also used
as an English title for individuals (Lord Swaraj Paul etc). There are many
such words in English which have a christian origin and are used in normal
In the current case, any normal person will understand Bro.Jiyaudeen has used
the word to refer to a person who is very helpful/mentor (not to a person who presides over
a baptism ceremony, not to a person who is the head of a mafia gang - the word's
other meanings). Even in the Christian usage, the word Godfather doesn't mean
God's father, It only refers to a person who takes moral responsibility for the good
upbringing of the baby being baptised.
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