செய்தி: இந்தியன் ஓவர்சீஸ் வங்கி அலுவலர்களின் அலட்சியப் போக்கு! சேவை கண்ணியத்துடன் தொடரும் என நேரடி விசாரணைக்குப் பின் மண்டல அதிகாரி தகவல்!! செய்தியை முழுமையாக காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்>>
COUNTERFOIL -Reg posted byL.T.Ibraheem (Kayalpatnam)[26 February 2011] IP: 115.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 2888
I appreciate the people who had taken necessary action regarding the poor service given by many staff of I.O.B. I too, talked to the zonal manager and told him a query. The bank does not immediately issue the counterfoil after depositing the money. We are collecting the money from 3 or 4 neighbours to deposit in the bank. As we deposit, they ask us to come back after 30 minutes to collect the pass book. Meantime, we forget the account numbers. So, I told him to give instruction to the local manager to issue the counterfoil immediately.
The zonal manager seems to be a nice person and he heard everything from me and finally accepted and said that it should be given immediately and I will inform today itself.
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