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கருத்துக்களை தேட வாசகர் பெயரை வழங்கவும்
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அனைத்து கருத்துக்களையும் காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்
செய்தி: நாடாளுமன்றத் தேர்தல் 2014: ஆம் ஆத்மி கட்சிக்கு ஆதரவு திரட்ட கடையக்குடியில் பங்குத் தந்தையர், தேர்தல் பணிக்குழுவினர் கலந்தாலோசனைக் கூட்டம்! செய்தியை முழுமையாக காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்>>
posted by rilwan (TX) [27 March 2014]
IP: 108.*.*.* United States | Comment Reference Number: 33975

When did AJP said they share the same view as Modi upon reservation? Give reference. Don't make blind accusatio ns. This is the only party lend hands to social activists like Media Patkar, Soni Sori. Do you know who they are?

Above all I ask you not to tell lies if you really believe in islam. being Muslim is not just to enjoy reservations and free benefits. You know why I'm telling you of lying? There were five Muslims fielded by AAP during the assembly election. Ask karunanithi now that how many Muslims he fielded during Tamil nadu assembly election. Please for goodness.. If you don't know don't talk about it.

Let me tell you something for fact.. During Gujarat massacre DMK was in alliance with BJP and it didn't leave the government after Gujarat incident.. What more you need to know about karunanithi? He has sold Muslims and Tamils pound for pound. He will do the same trade pound for pound again!!!

Personally one who is not corrupt is better than one who has different opinion on reservations, freebies etc.. If someone want to become MLA or MP by using Muslim card, my request to them is to prove they worth representing the people.

will never vote for a thug or a criminal or a corrupt. It is amazing how people support DMK even after knowing karunanithi`s true face.

It is a matter of principles and integrity!!!

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு அழுத்தவும்]

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