Re:... posted byRilwan (TX)[27 March 2014] IP: 108.*.*.* United States | Comment Reference Number: 33976
Br Lebbai ..why ponder the current fate of Tamil Muslims.. The current situation is because of corrupted mindset of Tamil Muslims leaders who are willing to sell the community to any thug, any corrupt for bones.
Is that being Muslim is to get benefits from government? No. Being Muslim is about stay in the right path!! To support good people!!! To stand up against evil and corrupt.
If you have to face hardship to be on the righteous side, one should face it for the greater good. The greater good is to create a formidable force in Indian politics against corruption - not necessarily to win the power.
Another brother raised concern about the MP not being able to come in person to ask for vote. Tell me br.. Which of your erstwhile MPs visited your town after election? At least Mr Pushparayan isn't visiting only for campaigning. Nevertheless there is nothing to worry. Mr. Pushparayan has more than the shares of other candidates with history of working for people.
Don't be like a sheep in the flock. You have been like that for over 60 years. Not any more. Think and act for truth, but not out of fear like a coward who fears Modi.
Certainly jaya, karunanithi and modi are all corrupt, communal and evil.
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