PL.DONT MAKE FIRE UNDER THE ELECTRICAL POLES! posted byM.I.S.A.Khader (KAYALPATNAM)[05 July 2014] IP: 180.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 35797
I have witnessed so many places in our town - the concrete of e.b. poles have been damaged / broken down at the bottom. There is no regular wear and tear possible as they are made stronger for the very purpose. May be a very little erosion or corrosion is possible by nature. The rest is only man-made!
Some foolish people make them weak - they collect all the garbages, bring them under the E.B.poles and set fire. They want their door steps to be extra clean, but do commit a big crime to the public by weakening the concrete of the poles. The concenred officials must act on them regularly.
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