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செய்தி எண் (ID #) 5027
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வெள்ளி, நவம்பர் 12, 2010
ஹஜ் பெருநாள்-1431: பெருநாள் அறிவிப்பு குறித்து மாவட்ட காழீ விளக்கம்!
செய்திஎஸ்.கே.எஸ். (தாருத்திப்யான் நெட்வர்க்)
இந்த பக்கம் 3752 முறை பார்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது | வாசகர் கருத்துக்கள் காண (6) <> கருத்து பதிவு செய்ய
(ஒப்புதலுக்காக காத்திருக்கும் கருத்துக்கள் - 0; நிராகரிக்கப்பட்ட கருத்துக்கள் - 2)
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நடப்பாண்டு ஹஜ் பெருநாள் குறித்து, தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்ட காழீ (காஜி) மவ்லவீ எஸ்.டி.அம்ஜத் அலீ பின்வருமாறு அறிக்கை வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.

மேலும், இந்த அறிவிப்பை மட்டுமே கருத்தில் கொள்ளுமாறு பொதுமக்களை அவர் கேட்டுக் கொண்டுள்ளார்.

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இச்செய்தி குறித்த உங்கள் கருத்தை பதிவு செய்ய இங்கு சொடுக்கவும் >>
இறுதி கருத்துக்கு செல்ல இங்கு சொடுக்கவும் >>
1. Amjad Ali Alim's Clarification remains incomplete and a bid to disinformation !!!
posted by Arabi Haja (Hong Kong ) [12 November 2010]
IP: 219.*.*.* Hong Kong | Comment Reference Number: 933

I have come across the clarification of Amjad Alim in this website.

His clarification remains incomplete and intend to spread disinformation and misleading in its content.

As a District Kazhi, I suspect the wisdom and maintainability by law, the clarification was issued still shorts and contradicts the original (his boss, TN Chief Kazhi's)text.

He must understand that the statement should contain the Eid to be celebrated on a particular day is based on a sound reason, that is ,the moon was cited in a particular place or after completing 30 days of the month. He can't give different statements on personal wishes or to appease any one as he represents an important post of TN Kazhi in the district.

Therefore, there is a possibility that his contradictory statements can be examined by any court of law (possibly the district court) if any one of the public approaches it with a proof of District Khazh's misleading announcement with a malafide intension of furthering disinformation by hiding part of the original among the public on an important religious matter of celebrating Eid festival.

Hope for the sake of the post of District Kazhi, Amjad Alim has no other option but to re-issue clarification with repeating the full content of TN Chief Kazhi's statement. Hope wisdom prevails.

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு சொடுக்கவும்]
2. Statements of Kazis
posted by Administrator (Chennai) [12 November 2010]
IP: 122.*.*.* India | Comment Reference Number: 934

This is what we believe seem to have happened with regard to statements of the Kazis:

Chief Government Kazi released a statement on November 9th - stating Crescent was sighted in Malegaon on Sunday (November 7) and hence Eid will be on November 17th. None of the papers reported this. When approached Amjad Alim (Tuticorin District Kazi) on 10th morning, he gave the statement based on oral information he had. He seemed to have assumed - being a Tamil Nadu Government Kazi - Chief Kazi would have relied on sighting from only Tamil Nadu.

Since TNTJ statement had specifically said no sighting was done in Tamil Nadu on Sunday, approached the office of Chief Kazi and obtained the original press release - which mentioned sighting in Malegaon. The office also orally confirmed no sighting was done in Tamil Nadu that day and hence sighting from Malegaon (in Maharastra) was taken into account. However the statement itself didn't contain the word Maharastra or that Malegaon is in a different state.

This (Chief Kazi's statement) was published in and Amjad Alim was informed (since this was contradicting his earlier statement to us). He has since given this clarifying statement.

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு சொடுக்கவும்]
3. Consensus
posted by Ahamed mustafa (Dubai) [12 November 2010]
IP: 92.*.*.* United Arab Emirates | Comment Reference Number: 935

We can't go with the Khazi's or whoever just nominated by the Government, who do not even turn to the Quran or Sunnah , when cases like this happen. The Khazi of the district should have easily contradicted or corrected his boss when such things happen. He missed a Golden opportunity & Kayal folks, instead of blaming & teasing 2 or 3 Eids, why not we guys correct the ruling of the Khazi in our district who incidentally belong to our place. If he would have used the right wisdom, which I am sure he is capable of that could have made a difference.Still we have time guys.

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு சொடுக்கவும்]
4. Amjad Ali Alim's Clarification still short of Reality !!
posted by Arabi Haja (Hong Kong ) [12 November 2010]
IP: 219.*.*.* Hong Kong | Comment Reference Number: 937

Even after admitting the explanation by the administrator appeared in this site, what has presumably happened in this episode, I just want to remind the following points for public's (Kayalpatnam in particular, whole district in general) scrutiny because he claims to be the serving District Kazhi.

- Can a District Kazhi issue a statement on the eve of Eid - which is most important duty he has to discharge annually - with the sighting of a new moon, without verifying the facts in the announcement of his boss in Chennai ??

- Does he aware of the type of post he holds in the public domain and his discharging duty at most transparent mode and there by accountable?? If fails will attract legal action, does it ??

- What has prevented him from issuing clarification by openly admitting the moon was sighted in Malegaon, Maharashtra, and on this basis he asked the Muslims in the district to celebrate Eid on 17th as stated the original text of TN Chief Kazhi ??

- He will be wrong if he feels that he equates this post with that of a post at his home town such as in Mahalara where change of mind is admissible.

- Hence, we anticipate that Amjad Alim will issue the full text of the original announcement as a clarification to the district public in a bid to damage control exercise. Insha Allah.

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு சொடுக்கவும்]
5. Moon sighting
posted by Nusky (Jeddah) [13 November 2010]
IP: 77.*.*.* Saudi Arabia | Comment Reference Number: 942

மாலேகாவ்னில் பிறை பார்த்தால் பெருநாள் கொண்டாடலாம். மக்காவில் பார்த்தால் கொண்டாடக்கூடாது என்ற தூரத்தை நிர்ணயிக்கும் அளவு கோளை நமது தர்காலத்தலைவர்களுக்கு அளித்தது எது என்பதை தெரிந்து கொள்ள என்போன்ற மார்க்க அறிவு குறைந்தவர்களுக்கு ஆர்வமாக உள்ளது

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு சொடுக்கவும்]
6. Kaz's in picture should address
posted by Ahamed mustafa (Dubai) [13 November 2010]
IP: 92.*.*.* United Arab Emirates | Comment Reference Number: 946

The Khazi's in picture should address the question now raised by the talk now.What is the point that made thes 2 Khazis accept Malegons moon sighting to decide the Eid in TN, whilst neglecting the Sight of moon in Makkah. Untill the last Eid they never even took the moon at kerala which is very near. It is surprising they proved their theory wrong. So the question of making malegon or the whole India as a bench mark now goes to the 2 Khazis. Will they answer the brother's querry.

இந்த கருத்து உங்களுக்கு பிடித்துள்ளதா?

[இவரின் பிற கருத்துக்களை காண இங்கு சொடுக்கவும்]
முதல் கருத்துக்கு செல்ல இங்கு சொடுக்கவும் >>
இச்செய்தி குறித்த உங்கள் கருத்தை பதிவு செய்ய இங்கு சொடுக்கவும் >>

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ட்விட்டர் வழி கருத்துக்கள்

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இன்று தேசிய கல்வி தினம்!  (11/11/2010) [Views - 2691; Comments - 1]

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